The scientific series Mantua Humanistic Studies (ISSN 2612-0437) is devoted to collect studies, proceedings, and papers in the field of Humanities. Every volume is peer-reviewed, and is published with its own ISBN code. A full electronic version (PDF) of the volume is shared for free in “Gold Open Access” on various online databases, with a CC-BY 4.0 License. Moreover, traditional paper copies are available for purchasing at major booksellers.
Peer-reviewing process for MHS is operated on each proposed essay, and can be conducted by members of Publisher's Scientific Committee or by external reviewers. Every single Author accepts his own full responsability for the originality and paternity of the published text. Accepted topics of MHS include the whole field of Humanities, and namely: Anthropology, Archaeology, Arts (Visual Arts, Architecture), Classics, Philology, Philosophy, Law and Politics, Linguistics, Literature, Sociology, Economics. Corrispondent scientific classification in Italy covers the following fields (cf. D.M. 855/2015): Area 10 "Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche"; Area 11 "Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche"; Area 12 "Scienze giuridiche"; Area 13 "Scienze economiche e statistiche"; Area 14 "Scienze politiche e sociali".
The title “Mantua Humanistic Studies” reminds us to a historical town in northern Italy, Mantua, that had been for a long time the capital of one of the most powerful and culturally influencing dynasties of the Renaissance: the Gonzaga family. Mantua has an extraordinary richness in terms of history, arts, and tradition of studies, and is now one of the main UNESCO Heritage sites. Among the artists who have left their masterworks in the city, we can find Pisanello, Andrea Mantegna, Leon Battista Alberti, Giulio Romano, Rubens, Titian, and many others. Even if in the time of the Gonzagas the city had a strong history of humanistic studies, mainly established by the great teacher Vittorino Da Feltre, during the following centuries Mantua gradually lost great part of its cultural influence, especially after the end of the leading dynasty at the beginning of the 18th Century. Maybe the only real exception was the renowned “Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana”. Nevertheless, in very recent years some Italian Academic Institutions and Universities have rediscovered its cultural importance, and they moved here with some of their Bachelor and Master degrees: the Politecnico of Milano, the University of Verona and, in 2018, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. More and more students are moving into our old city every year, and the future could really be bright in the terms of culture, teaching, and research. “Mantua Humanistic Studies” would like to be a small – but maybe not useless – contribution to what could be a “second Renaissance” for the capital of the Gonzagas, offered by a small but active Scientific Publishing House which was born and still operates in this small but incredible town.
Published volumes:
Notti, E. and Scarpanti, E. eds. 2018. Volume I. ISBN 9788899459840. Free on Google Books.
Roni, R. ed. 2018. Volume II. ISBN 9788833690001. Free on Google Books.
Scarpanti, E. ed. 2018. Volume III. ISBN 9788833690223. Free on Google Books.
Colloca, S. ed. 2018. Volume IV. ISBN 9788833690230. Free on Google Books.
Scarpanti, E. ed. 2019. Volume V. SBN 9788833690322. Free on Google Books.
Scarpanti, E. ed. 2019. Volume VI. ISBN 9788833690469. Free on Google Books.
Scarpanti, E. ed. 2019. Volume VII. ISBN 9788833690506. Free on Google Books.
Pasta, G. ed. 2020. Volume VIII. ISBN 9788833690698.
Santi, R. ed. 2020. Volume IX. ISBN 9788833690780.
D'Avanzo, W. ed. 2020. Volume X. ISBN 9788833690872.
Pasta, G. ed. 2020. Volume XI. ISBN 9788833690889.
Roni, R. ed. 2020. Volume XII. ISBN 9788833691015.
Pasta, G. ed. 2020. Volume XIII. ISBN 9788833691077.
Pasta, G. ed. 2021. Volume XIV. ISBN 9788833691121.
Pasta, G. ed. 2021. Volume XV. ISBN 9788833691169.
Scarpanti, E. ed. 2021. Volume XVI. ISBN 9788833691176.
Scarpanti, E. ed. 2021. Volume XVII. ISBN 9788833691237.
Pasta, G. ed. 2021. Volume XVIII. ISBN 9788833691275.
Colloca, S. ed. 2022. Volume XIX. ISBN 9788833691299.
Pasta, G. ed. 2022. Volume XX. ISBN 9788833691343.
Scarpanti, E. ed. 2022. Volume XXI. ISBN 9788833691374.
Cerbasi, D. ed. 2022. Volume XXII. ISBN 9788833691381.
Current Calls for Papers:
Call for Papers for "Mantua Humanistic Studies. Volume XXIV"
Paper copies of the volume will be purchasable on both traditional bookshops and online shops (Amazon etc.), and the full PDF copy of the volume will be available for free (Open Access) on Google Books online database. The volume is peer-reviewed.
Deadline for submission: April the 30th, 2023.
Publication date (ISBN code): May the 31st, 2023.
E-mail for submission:
Accepted topics: Anthropology, Archaeology, Arts (History of Visual Arts), Classics, Philology, Philosophy, Law and Politics, Linguistics, Literature, Sociology, Economics, History and other Humanities sub-groups.
Accepted languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French, German.
Paper extension: min. 10.000 / max. 50.000 characters (including spaces); pictures etc. will be reproduced in B&W in printed version, and in full colors in PDF copy.
Publication Fees are requested, as the Book will be available online for free in FULL OPEN ACCESS (a.k.a. “Gold” Open Access) for everyone, via Google Books, OSF, and other databases
Publication Fees, including 1 Printed Copy and Shipping,
to be paid AFTER acceptance and BEFORE publication = 400,00 Euros (+ IVA 4%)
Each extra Printed Copy = 15,00 Euros (+ IVA 4%)
PDF Full Copy = available for free
Single DOI request = 50,00 Euros (+ IVA 4%)
Mandatory Paper characteristics:
document type = .doc or .docx
main text = Times New Roman, 12 pt., single spaced
secondary text = Times New Roman, 10 pt., single spaced
foot-notes (no end-notes) = Times New Roman, 10 pt., single spaced
please include, at the beginning of the text, 5/10 keywords (in English); a 5/10 lines abstract (in English); author’s full contact information
bibliography style = as follows
Bibliography style
(mainly based on APA’s):
References inside the main text, or in the notes (examples):
Suzuki (1989: 56) refuses to agree with this idea.
Suzuki refuses to agree with this idea (1989: 56).
[In notes] See Suzuki 1989: 56.
Full Bibliography at the end of the Paper (examples):
Austin, N. 1994. Helen of Troy and her Shameless Phantom. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Calame, C. 1997. Choruses of Young Women in Ancient Greece: Their Morphology, Religious Role, and Social Functions. Trans. by D. Collins and J. Orion. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Ebbott, M. 1999. “The Wrath of Helen: Self-Blame and Nemesis in the Iliad.” In Carlisle, M. and Levaniouk, O. eds. Nine Essays on Homer. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 3-20.
Ghali-Kahil, L. B. 1955. Les Enlèvements et le retour d’Hélène dans les textes et les documents figurés. 2 vols. Paris: De Boccard.
Groten, F. J. 1968. “Homer’s Helen.” G&R 15: 33-39.
Lloyd-Jones, H. and Wilson, N. G. 1990. Sophoclea: Studies on the Text of Sophocles. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Vernant, J. P. and Vidal-Nacquet, V. eds. 1988. Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece. Trans. by J. Lloyd. New York: Zone Books.
International scientific committee:
Edoardo Scarpanti (Direttore), Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana
Beatrice Nicolini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Paolo Carpeggiani, Politecnico di Milano
Sarah Cockram, University of Edimburgh, U.K.
Alberto Grandi, Università degli Studi di Parma
Luisa Mucciante†, Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara
Riccardo Roni, Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Donald C. Sanders, Samford University, Birmingham (AL), U.S.A.