Series "Mantua Humanistic Studies", n. 2
Table of contents:
An essay on compared Anglophone communication: speaking Glob(al Engl)ish, by Sabrina Mazzara
Modernismo artistico e letterario: il caso di “In Parenthesis” (1937) di David Jones, by Virginia Vecchiato
A Reconstructive Hypothesis of the Palace-Mosque Complex in the Round City of al-Manṣūr in Baghdād, by Michelina Di Cesare
Masjidu-hu wa masākinu-hu: “His Mosque and His Dwellings”. New Perspectives on the Study of “the House of the Prophet” in Madīna, by Aila Santi
“But like to Wolves on one another fly” (Iliad, XI, v. 74). Hobbes, l’Iliade e la guerra civile inglese, by Raffaella Santi
Stock or Shares? Creditors or Accounts Payable? Overheads or Overhaead? Stock or Inventory? L’importanza di unabuona competenza linguistica nel curriculum aziendale e del manager moderno, by Elena Maria Montagna
The Nature and Dynamics of Socio-Economic Paradigms, by Sara Casagrande
La qualità della democrazia. Il concetto e il campo semantico, byCiro D’Amore
La qualità della democrazia: le dimensioni empiriche, by Ciro D’Amore
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